Andrea Matus deMeng

Gold Coast, Australia

Tarot cards. To me these lovely little pearls of archetypal wisdom imbued with mystery, fascinating symbols to decode, and gorgeous imagery are absolutely magical.

I think the first time I remember seeing a tarot deck was in the James Bond Movie “Live and Let Die” where Solitaire, played by Jane Seymour is using them to tell the future with an ultra cool and stylized deck.

In this class we’re going to combine the beauty of the tarot with the fun and fancy of a fortune cookie by modifying a small tin or box to look intriguing on the outside and contain a secret tarot realm inside. We’ll construct our own stylized “cards” by creating a multi-layered mixed media collage-assemblage and throughout the process discuss how to incorporate the symbols that will tell our stories or our fortunes. Don’t know much about tarot decks? Don’t worry, you’ll get my tarot archetype cheatsheet to help you get started.  I see a great workshop in your future!

Teacher will bring:

  • Nails, screws, bolts, etc.
  • Wire
  • Tools for attaching found objects
  • Portfolio Pastels

Kit is $10.00 and Includes:

  • Tarot Cheat Sheet
  • Tarot Collage Imagery
  • Use of Patina Paints
  • Use of clear gesso
  • Miscellaneous collage items

Supply List:  

  • 2 Small tins (like an Altoids tin), boxes with hinged lid, or tintype cases – at least big enough to fit a business card and preferably about an inch deep.
  • Paper, ephemera and collage items, think textures and symbols to support your story telling, consider scale, we’re working small, have some of your imagery quite small
  • Paint: Acrylic paint, preferably Golden, fluid or heavy body (white, black, and any blue, red, and yellow, plus a couple more of your favorites) Some of my paint favorites: Quinacridone Nickel Azo Gold, and Quinacridone Crimson, Pthalo Blue, Van Dyke Brown, Green Gold, Pyrrole Red, Pthalo Turquoise
  • Paintbrushes – bring just a few in different sizes and at least one good detail brush
  • Palette (paper plates will work)
  • Water Container
  • Paper Towel and/or baby wipes
  • Golden Matte –small bottle – about 8 oz.
  • scissors
  • E6000 Adhesive
  • Aves Epoxy Clay – ¼ lb size will be sufficient
  • Found objects, think about an assortment: gears, keyholes, chains, old jewelry pieces, numbers, mica, small dolls or figures, lace, fabric just about anything for further embellishing your tarot card and tin.



Craft Tweezers (useful for placing/holding some of your smaller items while gluing)